After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Hippies: The Deadlest Race

So Friday I decided to go see Bob Weir in concert. To those of you who don't know, Bob Weir is that other guy from the Grateful Dead, who actually sang all their popular tunes (Jerry had three fingers, so he gets to be on the T-shirts). I always thought Dead shows were dull. When I first moved to the Bay Area in the early 90's. There were Dead shows often, and they always sold out. So I was a bit curious to see what it was all about. Well, I get there...early, apparently dead heads show up to shows late. I am at the front so I'm next to the stage. Boy, nothing if meaner then a hippy scorned! These guys were pushing and shoving to get the front of the stage. Since I didn't look like a hippy they left me alone. It's funny, these guys were high, yet they would try to talk like gang members. Sorta like Cheech and Chong meets Andrew Dice Clay. "Dude, don't make me, dude, get angry, awww man you know what I mean fuckerdude." Now the show itself sucked!!!! Every song was 15 min long. The only decent song was his cover of The Beatles "Come Together" (which doesn't work well for the evil hippies!) The rest of the songs I might've hear up here in "Hemp"boldt, but it was disappointing. I mean even the Rolling Stones play Satisfaction every once in a while. Why can't old Bob!

With that said, dear people of the world, please keep the armpits clean and stink-free!


Blogger LB said...

Who knew that hippies had such a violent streak? Maybe they're mixing a little too much whiskey with their weed!

12:35 PM


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