After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hottest day in 400 years? Not where I'm sitting

I think today is the 10th day this year we have had no fog or overcast. It is a lovely day today. The highest record temperature goes back to 1936 (I believe) where it was 89 degrees!
I can imagine it I drive a few miles in any direction from here I will experience the hot weather, but I won't.
I have a friend from Seattle, we would talk about how the weather really set the mood up there because it rained all the time. Although I am 9 hours away from Seattle I can start to see what he means. This weather is a bit of a bummer. Not seeing the sun gets depressing and not getting any snow either also sucks. I don't miss living in snow, but I do miss playing in it. I think in my 16 years in California I have only seen snow 4 times! Normally you can just drive into the mountains to see it, but that requires gas, and that requires money and right now I don't have that.
About 90 miles east of me is a friend I have met up here. She is working at a large lake renting out boats. She sends me pictures of her water skiing, swimming, doing all sorts of summer stuff. I type this blog and whine about not being there, or get up, get in my car, and go visit her.

See you on Monday!! :)


Blogger LB said...

Just imagine how chilly Humboldt must have been BEFORE global warming! Maybe you should be sending Bush a thank-you note...


11:52 AM


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