After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Keep on Truckin

This will be my last post as "Humboldt Townie", mostly because I don't live in Humboldt County anymore.

As I look back, I had a lot of fun going back to college. If you were to ask me five years ago if I would've gone back to college I would've said "no" or "not possible". Considering the job I had I had little choice. My peers and I were in a shit-fest of a job, and considering the "glamour" that should come with such a job, I'm surprised we did it as long as we did. But that is in the past now.

If there is anything I can tell you is life truly is unexpected, but you still have to live it to enjoy it.

Now if you excuse me, I have to be a grown up for a while.

Anyway kids, take care.

The last top ten: Things I did in college.

1. Become a teacher!
2. Graduate
3. Get my GPA well above a 3.0 (before it was a .000000000000000001)
4. Tutoring
5. Toga party (This is something else I never thought I'd experience)
6. Midnight cornfield romp
7. Logtoberfest
8. History class!
9. My crazy Professors
10. Getting stop, Master's Degree.

Remember your dreams!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Rested, tanned, and ready to go!

Beats the shit out of me if anyone actually reads my blog, but if you have you know that the 2006-2007 I have had less the poop to talk about.

So before I go into details, let me give a quick review of the last 16 months where (and why) I haven't posted anything.

-Graduated from College (YEAH!)
-Went to China (Trust me kids, the Olympics made China look a little prettier then it is)
-Went to Canada (I highly recommend Vancouver!)
-Lived without roommates for the first time in my life, I highly recommend this for you people still with roommates.
-Wrote a ton of papers!
-Started and Finished the California Teaching Program, and let me stop there for a second...

If you live in the U.S. you know that our education system is not that hot. And yes, one of the reasons is because there are people who are not qualified to teach that are teaching. Well, here's a good reason why, because it is a pain in the arse to get a job.

A normal job: You send out a boat load of resumes, and if one hits (and you can charm your way through the interview) you're in!

Teaching job: You start sending out resumes in April or May, and if you have no experience you there is a good chance you will not be called for an interview till early September. The reason for this is that school are still doing attendence. As I write this, September 9th, I am still getting called for interviews. From the 70+ people in my program, only one got a job in the state of California, a few went to Arizona, one went to Vegas, a few decided to get their Masters early, and the smart ones are vacationing! Me...I'm in Portland. While I love the idea of traveling the world, and this will probably as "Free" as I will ever be in my life, I need to start saving money. While my heart saids "TRAVEL!" my brain saids "$$$". Portland is the cheapest city on the west coast. If I want cheaper I would move to Boise. I will get some kind of job in Education, and probably get my Master's Degree while I'm here (yep, more money t spend!) Portland is a pretty cool town, as I mentioned in a previous post. And since I haven't lived in Los Angeles in four years it's safe to say those friends have moved on with their lives, so it's time to make new ones! Change is good sometimes.

So now, step one: Job.

I need a new name. I can't call myself "Humboldt Townie" anymore. That will have to change.

And since I do like Top Ten lists, I think I will simply end each post with one instead of just blasting them out like I do, or stealing "Internet Dating's" idea of posting song lyrics. So with that...

My All Time Top Ten Movies

1. Coppola's Godfather
2. Kurasawa's Ran
3. Ashby's Harold and Maude
4. Scorsese's Raging Bull
5. Darabont's The Shawshank Redemption
6. Coppola's Apocolypse Now
7. Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey
8. Gondry's Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
9. Yates' Breaking Away
10. Lucas's The Empire Strikes Back

Friday, May 11, 2007

12 hours!

I graduate in 12 hours! Un-fucking-believable!!! It was 1000 days ago today that I left LA to begin my college journey. Crazy!

So, the paragraphs below are random notes I have written the last few months. A lot of it might not make sense, but it was my way of explaining how I feel about "the System" I don't feel like cleaning it up (think of it as a Hunter Thompson letter, only written by someone with a fraction of his intelligence). You make sense of it!

Problem with Education
Shit! Where to begin? I think what shocks me is how the "powers that be" in the world really don't give a flying fuck about education on any level. The only time I see schools on the news is when there is a shooting (and no, I am not trying to be funny!!!). War, terror, religion, environment, economy, mental illness, disease, etc. etc. We want to do something about all these problems, but we don't. We pass it on to the next guy. And that's sick. So if the children I teach are going to be dealing with my mess then I want them to be as ready as possible because I, you, and everyone will have these children taking care of us.
Before I launch into the bigger problem I guess I should talk about my Education program. It's weird. Not bad, but what it was was relearning all twelve years of grade school in three years. (So you could see why my highlights of college were Art and Kickball!) I got to observe teachers, but it wasn't hands-on enough with the kids. I wish there would've been more child development classes for teachers (I would've preferred that over a year of music). Also, since this is California, Spanish should be requirement. I found it funny when students, in the Education major mind you, would complain about homework. Really??? A future teacher in complaining about homework?? Are you stupid! A teacher works 9-6 like everyone else. We don't get the whole summer off like the students. And if we do have free time in the summer we have to go to teacher conventions. Those last few sentences were all the misconceptions people seem to have. Now, after a few years, and once I know what I am doing, I will probably have teaching down and will be able to give myself two months off during summers (but that won't be for at least 5-6 years, and I do plan on getting a Masters or even a PhD in Education, I'm just trying to figure out where I should concentrate my efforts.)
So why are public schools so bad? (To give you a quick and dirty answer) Well, let's go back to the money thing again. Most of school's money comes from property tax (which explains why a school in Beverly Hills would have more money then a school in Compton). But even with that money a school has to have a certain enrollment to get more money from the Government, so if a neighborhood has 300 kids, and the school only have 200 of those kids, chances are they will not get as much money because their enrollment is down. So where did those 100 kids go? Charter schools and home schooling.
Schools do not get money (Guess where the money goes). I see school books from the 1980's. There are desks that are older then I am. There are 30-40 students in a room when the average should be 20. I have been in a classroom where the teacher was teaching 3rd through 6th grade, all in one room! And we let this happen?
The Media blames teachers, the teachers blame parents, and the parents blame the media for our students lack of caring about school. Really, it is everyone's fault. We just need to learn to expect responsibility.

4 days till China!!!

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Beginning of The End

Tonight I had my first finals. Two classes have ended, and for the first time in quite a while I am feeling a monkey coming off my back. The next final is tomorrow follow by another Thursday. I am now really feeling the effects of wrapping up school. I spent part of today apartment hunting, and I found a great mother-in-law unit (with Cable!!!) which is next to the grade school I will be at next year. And the rent....


$385 a month! It is bigger then the place I have now, water, etc. and untilities are covered, has a bathroom and kitchen. I'm going to take it, but I won't move in till after June because of my many travels (to be talked about in the next blog.)

A funny story, I was sitting in class doing my final when someone slipped me a note. I opened it, and it said "Everett's, 7:00 Friday" I guess I have been invited to drink with The Cool Kids, funny. (Everett's is a bar, btw).

Back to the studies.

12 days and counting!

Sunday, April 22, 2007


To say I've been swamped is like saying you get a little damp after scuba diving.

*Yes, the first line wasn't that witty. Whatever!*

Until yesterday I have not stopped for several weeks. Tomorrow my graduate project is due, so I (along with many peers sitting around me) will be up triple checking everything. In less then three weeks I graduate from college and I do not want to even second guess myself on anything at this point.

So along with my Graduate shit, I have a two papers for Tuesday, a presentation for Thursday, more crap next week, and I have to get the breaks in my car changed. Oh, and my family, who I got hotelrooms for months ago, aren't sure when to visit. (Here's a thought...I don't care, just come visit!)

I'd whine some more about it, but...

Yesterday, I finally did the one thing I have been wanting to do for many, many, many years. I went surfing! And yes, I even caught a few waves (which ROCKED!), however at one point I lost my surfboard and swam after it a large wave knocked the surfboard into my face. I didn't lose any teeth but my mouth and nose are still sore. And last night was the first of many farewell parties. I'm guessing I won't see 80% of these people ever again so I'm glad to get what little time I have with them now.

20 days and counting!!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

An April Fool's Top Ten!

April is here! I can't believe this roller coaster school year is starting to reach its finish. After April 23rd I'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel!! Next month my top ten list will reflect my years in college and the education system(from both sides), it is a list I've been working on for a while. Anyway, for such a "liberal" school there was hardly any Anti-War rallies to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the war in rock. So I thought I'd just put in my two cents. Just call me a "Communist Hippie". =^P

Top ten things you can do to promote the cause of peace (From
1. Vote Peace, not political party
2. Divest from companies that profit from war
3. Send a letter to your congressional representative and senators declaring your opposition to war
4. Write a letter to the editor declaring your opposition to war
5. Attend an anti-war protest
6. Talk to a pro-war friend and tell them nicely that you disagree with their opinion
7. Buy a book from an anti-war author
8. Join or help form an anti-war organization
9. Create a pro-peace web site
10. Go to YouTube and give a positive rating to pro-peace videos

Top Ten Beaches in the world.
1. Kaanapali, Hawaii
2. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Cancun, Mexico
4. Miami, Florida
5. Panama City, Florida
6. Montego Bay, Jamaica
7. Phuket, Thailand
8. Santa Barbara, California
9. Mikonos, Greece
10. Virginia Beach, Virginia

Top ten favorite rock'n'roll artists (Oddly enough, I thought I did this last year. I didn't)
1. Beatles
2. Nirvana
3. Led Zeppelin
4. Neil Young
5. Radiohead
6. Pearl Jam
7. Beach Boys
8. Rage Against the Machine
9. The Who
10. Tool

Top ten most under-rated songs that the general public will claim suck, but let's face it they are actually decent songs, so get over it!
!. Raindrops keep fallin on my head- B.J. Thomas
2. Close to you- Carpenters
3. Seasons in the Sun - Jimmy Jack
4. Reminiscing- Little River Band
5. When will I be loved- Linda Ronstadt
6. Take it on the run- REO Speedwagon
7. Summer Breeze- Seals and Croft
8. Still the One- Orleans
9. Lotta Love- Nicolette Larson
10. Whenever I call you friend- Kenny Loggins
(BTW, this will pretty much wrap up any top ten Music lists from myself for a while. I've pretty much burned through those. However the requests lines are still open if you have an idea for one.)

Top ten names I might name my dog which might seem really stupid but quite funny when drunk.
1. Kitty
2. Da Man
3. Fart-blossom
4. Chewbecca
5. Dog
6. "Your first name" junior
7. Snookems
8. Boner
9. Snoop Doggy Dogg
10. Stupid

Top ten Ben and Jerry Ice Cream selling flavors. According to "Ben and Jerry" themselves.
1. Cherry Garcia
2. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
3. Chunky Monkey
4. Chocolate Fudge Brownie
5. Half Baked
6. New York Super Fudge Chunk
7. Phish Food
8. Coffee Heath Bar Crunch
9. Peanut Butter Cup
10. Vanilla

Top ten Mega-Hollywood movies I'm looking forward to this summer (Now if I have time to see them is a whole other story!)
1. Spider Man 3 (I've actually enjoyed these movies)
2. The Simpsons Movie
3. Shrek 3
4. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
5. Harry Potter
6. Evan Almighty (Which could really suck, but Steve Carrell is on a hell of a roll, so I will give this a chance!)
7. The Bourne Ultimatum
8. Ratatouille
9. Ocean's 13
10. Transformers (*ugh*, there goes my childhood!)

Top ten fun things "you" might not do anymore (or might never had done)
1. Dance like an idiot
2. Play on the swings
3. Flash people
4. Swim directly after eating
5. Get high in your bedroom
6. Date nineteen year olds
7. Wear see-through tops (Ok, so this list isn't for everyone)
8. Make out with strangers
9. Go out with no underwear
10. Flirt Shamelessly!

Top ten Dave Letterman clips about Top ten George W. Bush moments:

Top ten great quotes about living life
1. A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ~George Benard Shaw
2. Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience; this is the ideal life ~Mark Twain
3. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. ~Charles Bukowski
4. When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you. ~ Lao Tzu
5. Remember that the most beautiful things in life are the most useless; peacocks and lilies, for example ~John Ruskin
6. That which we call sin in others is experiment for us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
7. The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused. ~Shirley MacLane
8. Be sure to live your life, because you are a long time dead. ~ Scottish Proverb
9. You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough. ~William Blake
10. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain


Sunday, March 25, 2007


One H-U-G-E advantage about going back to school has been that I know what is in front of me with "the real world." I have mentioned it a few times to the college kids (when the topic is brought up), but I don't think they have taken me too seriously. Really, I think because I am Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky (aka. "Papa J") that I am not taken serious at times when I really mean to be. (A stupid, stupid curse I have given myself!)

Reality hit the campus a few days before Spring Break. A college buddy was telling me that they weren't sure that they wanted to be a teacher, and they weren't sure what they wanted to do. This weekend, which I was laying down cement for a grade school (Seriously, that's what I did this weekend! I have the pictures to prove it!!) the idea of graduation was brought up, with much glee, but when the "What are you doing after graduation?" question was brought up...well, I saw a lot of burnt out light bulbs over a lot of heads.

To go to school for nearly two decades and then to finally know that it is over. No more classes, no more homework, no more be followed by, no more allowence. What they decide to do after graduation will be the first permante decision of their life. This isn't study abroad, this is where they want to live. Now some kids are excited. I'm hearing San Fran, LA, Seattle, I know one who is going to Canada, a few going to Hawaii, and one lucky person is going to South America. Others are just going to live around old Arcata and work for a year to make some extra money.

Then there's my group who is still working getting in the credital program. There big question is "where they want to teach." Which is bit of a strange questions, when the real question should be "Where am I needed?"