After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good: I have been excepted into the Credital program. Yeah me! On Friday I will arrange with the education folks where I will be placed. Well, frankly, I can't believe I am at this point. I will be a real teacher starting Aug 6th. I will get entire weeks where I am alone in the room teaching kids...stuff. (Reality just hit me. I am now more excited/nervous/anxious/etc.

The Bad: After my acting class yesterday a student asked I could have a beer with them. (Rule #29 in Jon's book of life "Never turn down a free beer. However #30 is "Never have more then three free beers because you will go down The Road Less Travelled." Ya know ;) Anyway, they wanted to talk to me because we are close to the same age, and sometimes it is hard to talk to a nineteen year old about your problems (And it is! Believe me!). They weren't excepted into the schools wildlife master's program. It's tough when you set your sites on one goal and then that goal is taken away. But you have to remember that maybe things happen for a reason. I sat there with my beer and let them vent. They felt better afterwards. But, as a lot of people "In the know" know, sometimes change is a very, very good thing!

The Ugly: 50 days! That's how many I have as of midnight tonight. My workload is so big it's silly. I have barely worked on my capstone project because of all the reading I am doing. My peers are starting to get their graduation gifts (Everything from a trip to Italy to a Memory Quilt.) Hearing all this stuff is giving me a case of "Senioritze" which I really don't need at this point. Luckily, I have passed all my midterms.

50 frickin days!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Rock!!!!!!

10:14 AM


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