After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Monday, April 30, 2007

The Beginning of The End

Tonight I had my first finals. Two classes have ended, and for the first time in quite a while I am feeling a monkey coming off my back. The next final is tomorrow follow by another Thursday. I am now really feeling the effects of wrapping up school. I spent part of today apartment hunting, and I found a great mother-in-law unit (with Cable!!!) which is next to the grade school I will be at next year. And the rent....


$385 a month! It is bigger then the place I have now, water, etc. and untilities are covered, has a bathroom and kitchen. I'm going to take it, but I won't move in till after June because of my many travels (to be talked about in the next blog.)

A funny story, I was sitting in class doing my final when someone slipped me a note. I opened it, and it said "Everett's, 7:00 Friday" I guess I have been invited to drink with The Cool Kids, funny. (Everett's is a bar, btw).

Back to the studies.

12 days and counting!


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