An April Fool's Top Ten!
April is here! I can't believe this roller coaster school year is starting to reach its finish. After April 23rd I'll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel!! Next month my top ten list will reflect my years in college and the education system(from both sides), it is a list I've been working on for a while. Anyway, for such a "liberal" school there was hardly any Anti-War rallies to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the war in rock. So I thought I'd just put in my two cents. Just call me a "Communist Hippie". =^P
Top ten things you can do to promote the cause of peace (From
1. Vote Peace, not political party
2. Divest from companies that profit from war
3. Send a letter to your congressional representative and senators declaring your opposition to war
4. Write a letter to the editor declaring your opposition to war
5. Attend an anti-war protest
6. Talk to a pro-war friend and tell them nicely that you disagree with their opinion
7. Buy a book from an anti-war author
8. Join or help form an anti-war organization
9. Create a pro-peace web site
10. Go to YouTube and give a positive rating to pro-peace videos
Top Ten Beaches in the world.
1. Kaanapali, Hawaii
2. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3. Cancun, Mexico
4. Miami, Florida
5. Panama City, Florida
6. Montego Bay, Jamaica
7. Phuket, Thailand
8. Santa Barbara, California
9. Mikonos, Greece
10. Virginia Beach, Virginia
Top ten favorite rock'n'roll artists (Oddly enough, I thought I did this last year. I didn't)
1. Beatles
2. Nirvana
3. Led Zeppelin
4. Neil Young
5. Radiohead
6. Pearl Jam
7. Beach Boys
8. Rage Against the Machine
9. The Who
10. Tool
Top ten most under-rated songs that the general public will claim suck, but let's face it they are actually decent songs, so get over it!
!. Raindrops keep fallin on my head- B.J. Thomas
2. Close to you- Carpenters
3. Seasons in the Sun - Jimmy Jack
4. Reminiscing- Little River Band
5. When will I be loved- Linda Ronstadt
6. Take it on the run- REO Speedwagon
7. Summer Breeze- Seals and Croft
8. Still the One- Orleans
9. Lotta Love- Nicolette Larson
10. Whenever I call you friend- Kenny Loggins
(BTW, this will pretty much wrap up any top ten Music lists from myself for a while. I've pretty much burned through those. However the requests lines are still open if you have an idea for one.)
Top ten names I might name my dog which might seem really stupid but quite funny when drunk.
1. Kitty
2. Da Man
3. Fart-blossom
4. Chewbecca
5. Dog
6. "Your first name" junior
7. Snookems
8. Boner
9. Snoop Doggy Dogg
10. Stupid
Top ten Ben and Jerry Ice Cream selling flavors. According to "Ben and Jerry" themselves.
1. Cherry Garcia
2. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
3. Chunky Monkey
4. Chocolate Fudge Brownie
5. Half Baked
6. New York Super Fudge Chunk
7. Phish Food
8. Coffee Heath Bar Crunch
9. Peanut Butter Cup
10. Vanilla
Top ten Mega-Hollywood movies I'm looking forward to this summer (Now if I have time to see them is a whole other story!)
1. Spider Man 3 (I've actually enjoyed these movies)
2. The Simpsons Movie
3. Shrek 3
4. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End
5. Harry Potter
6. Evan Almighty (Which could really suck, but Steve Carrell is on a hell of a roll, so I will give this a chance!)
7. The Bourne Ultimatum
8. Ratatouille
9. Ocean's 13
10. Transformers (*ugh*, there goes my childhood!)
Top ten fun things "you" might not do anymore (or might never had done)
1. Dance like an idiot
2. Play on the swings
3. Flash people
4. Swim directly after eating
5. Get high in your bedroom
6. Date nineteen year olds
7. Wear see-through tops (Ok, so this list isn't for everyone)
8. Make out with strangers
9. Go out with no underwear
10. Flirt Shamelessly!
Top ten Dave Letterman clips about Top ten George W. Bush moments:
Top ten great quotes about living life
1. A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. ~George Benard Shaw
2. Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience; this is the ideal life ~Mark Twain
3. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. ~Charles Bukowski
4. When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you. ~ Lao Tzu
5. Remember that the most beautiful things in life are the most useless; peacocks and lilies, for example ~John Ruskin
6. That which we call sin in others is experiment for us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
7. The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused. ~Shirley MacLane
8. Be sure to live your life, because you are a long time dead. ~ Scottish Proverb
9. You never know what is enough unless you know what is more than enough. ~William Blake
10. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~Mark Twain
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