After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

and the Agony of Defeat

I just gave a presentation in my Intercultural Communications class, and I blew it! I thought it had to be 20 minutes long so I spent the last week trying to fine tune it. Then, yesterday, I learned that it was only suppose to be 5 min max! So I'm editing it, making cuts where I can. When I gave it I made no sense. I don't think I even got sympathy applause! What really sucked is I had a scene from a film that was cued up, but the teacher didn't give me a chance to set it up right, so I had to give the second have (of my 5 min presentation) after a 10 min break.

Thank goodness tomorrows the last day of class. One session down, one to go!


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