After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


As of Midnight it will be 150 days till I have my B.A. Incredible! I can't believe just over 2 1/2 years ago I started to trek of going back to school. As I write this I am working on the "Happy Holiday" cards (and there are many!)

One of the cards I am sending is to an old co-worker (Schmidt, to those "in the know"), who was a very nice person who I wish I would've kept in touch with more.

However, 150 days. I feel I've come a long way since I came back to college. And now I start to call Arcata home. Which is nice I guess.

My last final is tomorrow. Then clean up the apartment and prepare to head up to Portland (and find time to go to the bars somewhere inbetween there.)

"Keep me groovin. Just a hippie gypsy" ~P. Townsend


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