After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Monday, December 18, 2006

And this little piggy had none

My family is an odd bunch. But I couldn't help to laugh at this email I received a few hours ago.

"Saw the movie Charlotte's Web this evening, the new Gary Winnick version. Having never read the book I wish i had preparation as I cried my fucking eyes out over a spider! Only E.B. White could have done that. Great movie.

And then I went to Winn Dixie, you know the redneck supermarket. Passing the butcher's section, what do I see for the first time ever, at least in memory? A whole pig, eyes staring at me and all, wrapped in plastic. I just patted it on the hind and walked on in misery! World is a conspiracy! Anybody want to guess why? I do not have a clue!

Clearly I won't be having bacon with my eggs anytime soon.


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