A word from a professor
Last week my mentor (who I have decided to remain nameless) talked about a possible strike that might happen in the next few weeks. It might be the biggest strike in California history (even U.S.). There is a bit of paraphrasing because my notes are back in Arcata. What is said here is from my memory, and I can't write everything she said. The first few sentences I feel we have all talked about at one time or another. But the second part I have never really thought about. The professor admitted that she was on her soapbox about this. But this was her view of world events.
The professor: "I am nearing the end of my career, but if there is a strike I will support my fellow educators. When you read about these athletes and celebrities getting millions of dollars while many teachers won't make more then a fraction of that. And it pains me that CEO's and politicians continue to damage this world just to make money. As a teacher for many decades I think what if a student of mine became a head of a corporation, or a senator. It would be great if they did become one. But what they do destroy our world. If I was their teacher I would keep wondering what I could've done different. I had this student for a year, and they were in my school of several years you would like to think you are making a difference, because it's not just about what they are learning, it's about the adult they are going to become. When you see the damage that is being done in the world, and you as future teachers "want to make a difference" did you fail? The strike will happen because CEO's of school and businesses that control our school are not meeting the teacher's or student's needs. We can't effective teach with the little money we have."
And there you go.
I do find it funny that A-list (and some B-list) actors get more money then even doctors! On AOL, there was a story talking about how much "characters" from television shows make with their jobs in real life. Example: Patrick "McDreamy" Dempsey makes several million dollars a year as an actor (mostly from the television show "Grey's Anatomy"), yet his character of "Dr. Derek Sheperd" who is a neurosurgeon makes (One of the top in the nation according to the show) $375,000 dollars a year.
Maybe I should've taken classes at the Groundlings?
Also, some of those businessmen she is mentioning are building some buildings around California. The school system is more worried about their images then the students. So, once again, education is yet another industry that is run by the ever loving $$$$$.
"That’s the way of the world. Plant your flower and you grow a pearl. A child is born with a heart of gold. The way of the world makes his heart grow cold"~ E,W, & F
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