Six Things
I had completely forgot about this. TwilightSpider (who I didn't think existed on Blogger) had challenged me to write six random things about myself. I probably didn't think about it because I already to my top ten lists. However, here is another peak at me.
1. I like to do randomly drive somewhere on Sunday mornings. I suspect it's because I use to go on Sunday morning drives with my pop as a kid, but also I like exploring California and trying to see every bit of it.
2. When I was a kid, on a dare, I touched a lit car cigerette lighter. I was actually convinced myself that is wasn't that hot. I was wrong.
3. I have a fear of looking straight down. Although I live on the top floor of a building, and love flying and skyscrapers I just hate heights. I can climb a mountain just don't ask me to look straight down a cliff.
4. I like ketchup on my mac and cheese. I don't know how people are grossed out about it. It's actually quite tasty.
5. I love honesty. Something that completely drives me nuts is when people will beat around the bush about something making it a bigger matter then just telling you directly the truth. Random example, if you lost something that was lent to you just tell the person that lent it to you that you lost it. That person won't want to hear how you will give it back to them later if you don't have it.
6. My favorite pasttime as I talk to people on the phone. Taking a bottle of Elmer's glue, squeezing out the glue on the bottle and watch it dry for a few hours. It sounds weird, but it's fun to peel off the glue when it is completely dry.
I feel like I am forgetting something?
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