After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

CSET PASSED!!!!! And that is the end of the testing!

The last four days have been completely nuts. But hearing that I passed the CSETs is the big monkey off my back. To be honest, I didn't think I would pass these last couple because, well, I took a couple of them. See normally the CSET is a super large test broken into three parts. I did one part back in October, and decided to hit the other two on Jan. 20th. My peers thought I was nuts, and I was. But this was worth it! I don't think I haven't been this happy in many years. When I was younger I was never that good at test taking, and while that happened many years ago it sort of follow you (like some regrets do, whether you wish to accept them or not is your choice), and today I have moved on passed that! And yes, I am off to celebrate after I write this blog.

So how have the last few days been crazy. Instead of just telling you I'll break them into categories like a sports caster would at the end of the year with sports highlights. What the hell!

Most embarrassing moment of my life: Saturday I was hit on at a bar, by a professor, not a professor in my major, but it was quite a moment. My college chums continue to remind me of the incident.

Silliest play ever: OK, I was going to do a blog about this, but I've lost interest. Let's just say that even if Shakespeare wrote a play with all nude actors. And the greatest actors who ever lived agreed to do it. It wouldn't matter because all we remember is watching naked people. The play's message was "We are all born naked, we all die naked, so we should always be naked." My response...have you ever lived in a place with a real winter???

Best local band: Saturday I also saw a great Bluegrass band called "Devil Makes Three" who were just fantastic! If they come to your neck of the woods I highly recommend them.

Most "A's": 5 for 5! Which is good because I wanted to get as close to that 4.0 as possible. And even though I can never reach it (because of my days in community college) I will at least be well over the 3.0 mark!

Most relaxing weekday in 12 years: Monday my classes were all cancelled, I didn't work, and it was nearly 70 degrees. So I went to the beach and chilled with a book...a REAL book (as opposed to a school book!) It doesn't get better!

Most heartbreaking video: It's called "A girl like me" by Kim Davis. I hope the link below works. If not please copy and paste. It is a slap of reality.

Biggest decision of my life: I have made the final choice on what to do after college. But that will require a blog. So "To Be Continued..."


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