After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Waking up to Greg Brady and the Super sounds of the 70's!

Well, it was bound to happen. It had been sunny here the last 9 days (I counted), but now I wake up, walk over to the door and look out. It rained last night and it's cloudy around me. Weather in Humboldt is back to normal. I turn on the television to find Barry Williams (aka Greg Brady, apparently the only Brady that mattered) pitching Time/Life "70's Explosion". What they should call it is every one hit wonder from the 1970's plus one Elton John song (Croc Rock). There are a few good songs. I like Brandy you're a fine girl, Seasons in the Sun, and yes, American Pie. I grew up on American Pie so I have to like it. Then there's a lot of other crap. Not much disco, which isn't a bad thing. I think disco has it's own Time/Life collection anyway.

Yesterday was the last day of session 1. Which means I just did five weeks of summer school, and next Wednesday I begin another five weeks of school. Hey, if it gets me closer to that lovely piece of paper that saids "I be a smarty, and I can teach" then I'll suffer. My drunken Frat friends, who stayed in town to work full time and save money, partied all night last night. I was too tired to join them. I heard them say they were going to hit the Casino, which I should've joined them on since it's Karaoke night! I doubt if they sang.

I notice more people are slowly coming back to town. Mostly to find better places to live, which I am trying to do too. I just got a new neighbor, who is quite a babe and very nice. She's getting her Masters in Enviromental Engineering. Wait till she finds out how thin the walls are! Although, the idea of having a hot neighbor is pleasing, I still have to move. I can hear everything my "other" neighbor (who I deemed "Hammond junior" and inside joke for only three people I know that are on Blogspot), and it's quite annoying. He talks on the phone with his family and I can hear every word of the conversation. I did tell him that so I don't seem like I am listening in, and really the conversations are that great, he's just whining about work and asking his dad how to pick up girls...really! There is one place going for $495, but it's a studio again, almost as small as mine. I don't think it has a closet. It's next to the bars, always a good time, but I don't know if I'll take it. If I can find a better place I might take it, but I need to find a place before Aug 5th, when I go to a wedding in Lake Tahoe, and then off to New York for 2 weeks! Yeah!!!

Oh, before I forget, I saw Supeman. I really didn't like it. I won't spoil the film, but I think the director did a little too much "tipping of the hat" to the first 1978 Superman film. Also, it suffers from what I call "Empire Strikes Back" syndrome. Just trying to add too much dimension where it wasn't needed, and lack of action where it was REALLY needed!!! Still, it has some cool moments,but I guess in the end everyone digs the 70's!

"and I knew if I had my chance that I could make those people dance and maybe they'd be happy for a while" D. McLean


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