Bases loaded, and "you know who" is up to bat.
This has been the most stressful week I have had since starting school. The highlight was teaching German, a language I have never learned in my life so I had to do a complete crash-course on it. I have already forgotten most of it, but I remember some animal names.
The lowpoint of this week, and my entire school career happened just 11 hours ago. I got my first "D"! The entire class got D's on their papers because, according to the Professor, it was not was she was asking for. I was beside myself and went to her office to complain. The grade will stand though, and I am not very happy about this at all!!!
The highlight was the week is I learned someone has a crush on me. She already kind of knows me, which is good (she has heard my bad jokes and has seen me at my "worse", and yet she finds it entertaining.) Which now brings me to the blog topic I hate the most...past relationships (only this time, it's a good thing). I started talking to a friend of both me and "the girl", and the question of my last real relationship was brought up. I started telling the story, but by my fourth sentence I was stopped. "That's the problem" my friend said, and began to have this very enlightening talk with me about why I might be still single. And hot damn is she was right! I tend to fall too hard and too fast for people, even when warning signs are right there. Also, I take "girls" too seriously, and don't know how to have fun with it (this would be from lack of experience.) So, I asked if she thinks I should take a chance with "the girl". The response "HELL YES!"
So this weekend I have two parties I have to go to. One party is on Friday, and the other on Saturday. Both I and "the girl"(and her friends) will be going to. We share a lot of friends so I won't be alone. So the plan is "Be myself." Expect the next blog Saturday morning.
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