After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

That was then, this is now.

The 80's. I find it funny that the college kids look at it romantically much like my generation looked at the 60's as a cool time. Last night, I was at a party with a few friends. One of these friends has a birthday in 2 weeks and wish to have a 80's theme party. So they started quizzing me what the 80's were like. (Sadly, I promised them they can take a look at my yearbook.)

The 80's wasn't entirely Michael Jackson and John Hughes movies. When I went to prom the big dance song was Milli Vanilli. The cooler sporty kids like to do air-guitar to Living Colour's "Cult of Personality." My hair was just about the "mullet standard." Rap music was actually good. They would only play Run DMC, Salt and Peppa, and LL Cool J at dances, but at house parties it was Public Enemy, NWA, and Easy E. solo stuff. We didn't have Breakfast club characters. Lonesome rebel or depressed goth wannabe chick. We had jocks, but they didn't pick on freshman, we had a lot of pretty, spoiled girls though. And as for Mr. Michael Hall's nerd, he's writing this blog, kid.

Michael Jackson and Madonna weren't that big in our school. We all owned Thriller (even people who didn't like pop music owned Thriller! And it still is a great album!!!!) But a lot liked the 80's alternative, The Cure, REM, Violent Femmes, etc. Hairbands were fun. Bon Jovi was H-U-G-E in our school in 87'! But it was also about classic rock, Zepplin, AC/DC, and Areosmith.

House parties were great. If we wanted beer we all went to the gas station onLarimore Rd. because they didn't check I.D.'s. It wasn't about what how we dressed, or any of that Hollywood movie B.S., it was about having a good time! Driking till the cops came then going over to the McDonald's on Parker Rd and causing havoc till 2am. We had homecoming games and dances. Some kids smoked pot, but they tried to roll them into joints, now after living up here I now realize that kids in St. Louis were probably smoking the cheapest, shittest hemp on the planet (probably wasn't even pot, just cut up Kentucky Bluegrass "aka, normal lawn grass").

The overall point is the college kids here, even in hippiville, already live the 80's lifestyle I lived. Expect for the internet, cellphones, myspace, Ipods, and jalapeno poppers. It's all about getting drunk and having a good time. Some traditions just have a timeless quality about them.

"Don't you forget about me."~ S. Minds


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