Things you never want to hear in your life:The Unfunny Version!
I'm sitting in the doctor's office waiting for my lab results. The doctor walks in and before she even saids hello the first things she said to me is...
"Your white blood cell count is extremely high."
Excuse me? Couldn't you start with a "Hi" or "What up dude". I know my body is fighting the fever, but still kinda uncool. So I have slight case of Pneumonia, my temp hit 102, and all the other fun stuff. Great. The good news is I've been sitting at home doing jack shit. My homework is caught up, my next test isn't till Wednesday, and it's a basic test. So I'm not too worried. But man, daytime TV sucks ass. I haven't watch TV during the day during a normal week in many, many, many years. It sucks! And keep in mind I don't have cable!
Oh, skipping class. Classic. It's so fun to play hooky again. I love not going to school. I just wish I could go out or something, but no drinky drinky for me for at least a week.
Which brings me to my other piece of reality. Today was my first meeting of the credital program. Meaning that graduation, being a teacher, and all that stuff became very real today. This, no matter how sick I am, I had to go to (and yes, I sat very far away from everyone so it's all good.) I have a ton of paper work to do. But the good news is getting a job will be easy, I guess school districts call the college looking for people. That's good.
Tomorrow, the delayed baseball game returns. Promise!
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