One H-U-G-E advantage about going back to school has been that I know what is in front of me with "the real world." I have mentioned it a few times to the college kids (when the topic is brought up), but I don't think they have taken me too seriously. Really, I think because I am Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky (aka. "Papa J") that I am not taken serious at times when I really mean to be. (A stupid, stupid curse I have given myself!)
Reality hit the campus a few days before Spring Break. A college buddy was telling me that they weren't sure that they wanted to be a teacher, and they weren't sure what they wanted to do. This weekend, which I was laying down cement for a grade school (Seriously, that's what I did this weekend! I have the pictures to prove it!!) the idea of graduation was brought up, with much glee, but when the "What are you doing after graduation?" question was brought up...well, I saw a lot of burnt out light bulbs over a lot of heads.
To go to school for nearly two decades and then to finally know that it is over. No more classes, no more homework, no more be followed by, no more allowence. What they decide to do after graduation will be the first permante decision of their life. This isn't study abroad, this is where they want to live. Now some kids are excited. I'm hearing San Fran, LA, Seattle, I know one who is going to Canada, a few going to Hawaii, and one lucky person is going to South America. Others are just going to live around old Arcata and work for a year to make some extra money.
Then there's my group who is still working getting in the credital program. There big question is "where they want to teach." Which is bit of a strange questions, when the real question should be "Where am I needed?"