After living up and down the California Coast. I am starting my second career as an Elementary School Teacher.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Night of the Top Ten lists

I'm just going to do these once a month. I have always like Top Ten lists, so what the hell, but just a few though!

Top ten favorite films, starting with #11 (already did my top ten in June!)
11. Goodfellas
12. Once Upon A Time in the West
13. Singin in the Rain
14. M*A*S*H
15. Pulp Fiction
16. Raiders of the Lost Ark
17. City of God
18. 2001: A Space Odyessy
19. Raging Bull
20. Apocalypse Now

Top Ten Best Scary Movies I've ever seen.
1. The Exorcist
2. Alien
3. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
4. The Thing (1982)
5. The Silence of the Lambs
6. Jaws
7. Rosemary's Baby
8. The Shining
9. Halloween
10. Night of the Living Dead

Top Ten favorite numbers.
1. 1
2. 7
3. 21
4. 69
5. 88
6. 71
7. 101
8. 1,000,000
9. 0
10. 2

Top ten favorite authors
1. Mark Twain
2. Hunter S. Thompson
3. Stephen King
4. Hans Christian Anderson
5. Chuck Palahniuk
6. Elmore Leonard
7. Charles Dickins
8. Ed McBain
9. Nick Hornby
10. Bill Bryson

Top Ten Stupid names people name there kids.
1. Tequilla
2. Apple
3. Rainwater
4. Candy
5. Kal-el
6. Pirate
7. Moxie
8. Blade
9. Boat
10. Coco

Top ten things I am looking forward to the next 30 days.
1. Hitting the Big Apple
2. Going to Lake Tahoe
3. The return and start of college
4. Camping trip
5. Bridge Concert tickets
6. Drinkin with the college kids
7. Saving money with my two new jobs
8. Chappelle show on DVD (Lost Episodes..Finally!)
9. Seeing Tool in concert (errr, maybe, depends on the cash flow)
10. Not being on the internet so much because I am clearly going to be busy!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Going on a real trip!

For the 2nd time in 5 years I am going on a real trip out of California!!! When I come back I should have all sorts of college kids. I can't believe in 2 weeks I would've offically left Los Angeles and went back to school. I have had some problems and self-questions about it, but overall I am having more fun now then I would've in LA. I miss those friends, but I'll see them next time I go down. Don't get me wrong, I like the friends I've made up here, but 90% of them wish to be with others in their age range (very early 20's), and me being in his 30's wouldn't fit in. Which is fine, as I have send in another post, I like to spend some time reading and such...saving money too. :)

Today is also about the nicest day I have ever seen up here. The only reason I'm not out there now (besides writing this) is I'm doing research for a test I have Monday. *ugh*, two more tests and then no more summer school for ever!!!!!! The end of summer school. I think between the 3rd and 12th grade I went to sumer school 6 or 7 out of those 9 years. I did it in college last year as well, but no more.

"I've been burned in my prime.
The simple things in life seem so hard to learn somettimes.
And it takes so long, catch it while you can." ~ T. Rundgren

Friday, July 28, 2006

The dumb I can't get off my back.

Everywhere I move, no matter how different the town or environment is, I seem to find the same people around me. I mostly do it to myself. However, this time I think God is reminding me I have some sins in my past.

I have a neighbor, we'll just call him "winner". At the age of 26 he seems to lack a bit of life experience. Normally, I can look past that in a person, expect when they are using that..."charm?" in my personal space. College will be starting up again in 4 weeks and students are moving in. On the other side of me a girl has moved in. Now "winner" wants a girlfriend, I know this because he tells me every other sentence he speaks to me. Then he follows it up with the last time he was with a girl, which then tells me it isn't a girlfriend he wants, but....Ya get it?
So my neighbor introduces herself to us, trying to be nice and offering us bear claws. "Winner" is talking to her, because he is too busy scannering her like a bar code as he looks up and down her.

*Note: I never get embarrassed, and yet I think this is the first time I really was self-conscious since my parents found out how my grades were in 2nd grade!*

He saids directly to her "You have a big toe", both the girl and I have no idea what he is talking about. I guess her second toe is bigger then her first. He then begins to follow it up with the "Standard" questions guys ask girls. I don't think she was too happy considering she just moved here. So we both removed ourselves with the silliest excueses we could come up with. (I had to call each family member to make sure they were ok from the heat.) I forgot her's, but it doesn't matter. I have a feeling this is only Act 1 of a new drama. *ugh*.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

You know the town is starting to fill up again when...

...people who work at the local coffee shops are walking around with day old paistries for people with munchies.

As my apartment building begins to fill up you can already hear the sounds of Jack Daniels mixing with Coke Cola, the smell of Kush filling the air, and the sounds of first time students realizing they no longer live at home.

The college year is upon us. The local stores are beginning to restock like a Walgreens during the holidays. The other night I was at the grocery stores buying my Shredded Wheat when this kid that was 17 years old stepped in front of me to get a box too. But then he stopped and looked at the box of Coco Puffs. You could see the thought process as he realized he was shopping with his mom and dad. He put down the Shredded Wheat and picked up the Coco Puffs. I can imagine when he walked down that aisle proudly with his Coco Puffs, that he was thinking to himself "I'm in college. I am a man."

Welcome to adulthood kids. Be sure to not blow all your money on Coco Puffs. Oakey Dokey.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

At 6:23pm, reality sucker punched me!

We all have our own little thoughts and passages about life and its various aspects. When it comes to dating I have three rules, The "Ruthie" law which is "I will try to be me while attempting to better myself, The "Helena" factor which is "No matter how busy you are, you can always find 2 mintues in your day to call someone and just check in, and (the recent) Eric effect which is, "If someone wants to be with you, they will keep in touch with you as much as you would with them." I bring these up because my last 24 hours have run the gambit. Once again, whenever I feel my life is getting "hum drum" something comes along and puts a little spice into it. This little spice is named "Jenny".
At 6:23pm, I was taking my garbage out. I remember the time because I was going to catch a movie later. As I walked out my door I bumped into an attractive girl named Jenny. She was just hanging out and looking at the view with her cocktail. I stopped and talked to her, thinking it would only be a 5 minute conversation about getting caught up with our lives. Instead, we pretty much covered each of our lives for 2 hours. She is really cool. Laid back. Soon, with the sun nearing the vanishing point, we decide to go to the bars. We bump into a few of her male friends who join us. When we sit at the bar we both order are usual drink, we both like Jack and Cokes, her male friends were clearly trying to hit on her. I just sat back and enjoyed my drink. She would once in a while look at me and roll her eyes about the conversation they were having. Around 10ish, we left and went to get a slice of pizza. They we went back to the apartment building and each called it a night. I was already tired because I had been studing for a test, she was a bit tipsy and needed to lay down. It was then that I decided to invite her hiking with me the next morning. She agrees.

Now that I look back on it, I should've NOT have invited her hiking. Why? Because in our conversations earlier she had mentioned that she was going to break up with her boyfriend. This should have been my red flag! She was upset about the way she was being treated by her and wanted to drink her problems away. However, me being a single male, fell for my own stupidity. I should've let it go, and asked her to hang out another time. However....

The hike begins by her inviting a freind along. Her friend, a nice person, was an extremely indoor person of the "Nightlife/Van Wilder" type who doesn't wake up before 10am. The hike was quiet, and dull. I had missed the conversation from the night before. And clearly Jenny did not want to be doing this. So we ended the hike early. Jenny said she had things to do and left. When I left a few minutes ago to check Emails I noticed her car is still gone. I have to conclude that she is driving to her boyfriends, who lives an hour south, to be with him.
So why do I bring up my three rules above. Well, with the Helena rule. The history behind that was there was this girl..."I liked" named Helena. To make a long story short, she would take advantage of that to help her own needs, and me, being a dingbat, let her get away with it. She only called when she needed something. One day, she stopped calling. Her last phone call to me was to let me know she was really busy, and was so sorry she hadn't had a chance to call. Then she didn't. I worked a 14 hour a day job once, but I knew that if you really liked someone you would MAKE the time to keep in touch with them.
I know I'm being over-dramatic about the "Jenny" thing. But I hadn't thought about my rules in a while because I haven't dated in a while. I don't expect Jenny to be anything more then the fun night from last night. But it's times like that that wake me up to what I like/hate, miss/meet about dating.

"So if you want to be with me
With these things there’s no telling
We just have to wait and see
But I’d rather be working for a paycheck
Than waiting to win the lottery
Besides maybe this time is differentI mean
I really think you like me." ~ Bright Eyes

Friday, July 21, 2006

A good chief doesn't take, a good chief gives...

~"Title Line" by a Mohawk warrior

Last night I was talking to one of my neighbors. She's is on her final year of college, and is deciding to get her Masters or not. She has hit a crossroads with her life, and pretty much talked for over an hour. She kept apologizing for talking so much, but she had a lot to say. (This is one of two blogs I'm going to do on our talk.) She covered everything from her life to current politics. She couldn't understand why the world was so messed up. So we talked about "Dubba" for a bit. "Why did people vote for him?", "We should change the way our system works?", "Everything going on today is his fault!" Her frustrations reflect this entire town. Arcata is "Green Party" central. The local government up here has rejected Dubba as our Prez. (As if that makes things better.)

But is everything Dubba's fault? No. Sadly, what I wanted to say to her (She just wanted to be heard, so I just listned) is that as bad as Dubba is a Prez, and he really is the worst Prez in our history, if you want to look at the problem just go stare at a mirror. Our country, and now most our world, is a world that is afraid to take responsibility. We'd rather take the easy way out then confront real problems (or enjoy "The Drama" to make our lives more entertaining). Most of the country doesn't vote anymore. There is no reason to change our system when people don't put effort into the system we have now. Although having only two control points of veiw (Rep. and Demo) is naive.

If people really want to make a change then start in your own backyard. I can imagine that all of us have barely enough time to worry just about our lives much less everyone else's. Fine, work on yourselfs. Recycle, buy from local business, bike or walk instead of drive, get to know your local Congress representive. You will do more cleaning up a park then picking fights with people who don't have your opinion.

More importantly, if you want to make a change. Well, one of my heroes said it best...

"Politics is the art of controlling your environment. That is one of the key things I learned in these years, and I learned it the hard way. Anybody who thinks that "It doesn't matter who's President" has never been Drafted and sent off to fight and die in a vicious, stupid war on the other side of the world-or been beaten and gassed by Police for trespassing on public property- or been hounded by the IRS for purely political reason- or locked up in the Cook County Jail with a broken nose and no phone access and twelve perverts wanting to stomp your ass in the shower. This is when it matters who is President or Governer or Police Chief. That is when you will wish you had voted."~ Hunter S. Thompson

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Ha! I got the 90 day notice!

Last year the people of my apartment building, and me :), heard rumors that the school might buy the property our apartment building is on, tear it down, and build a new school complex (or parking lot.) Tuesday I got a note in my mailbox that I had registered mail at the post office. I go to the post office, sign the little pink slip, get the letter, open it and.....

"Your apartment complex may be bought out and torn down. But you have no reason to move yet."

Yea right! Too bad, I have been looking for a place but I didn't mind paying the cheapest rent in California (Really, $475 a month! You try topping that!!) I have been looking around anyway because I want a one bedroom apartment. I'm over the studio. A lot of the kids who are away over summer don't even know the news yet. Eh, they'll be here soon enough to hear the news. Really, I'm suppose to get my B.A. this year, you would think they couldn wait till the end of a school year to break the news. Oh well....

"When life gives you lemons, cut one into pieces, and place a piece on a cold bottle of Corona." ~J. Lally

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Is brown good for a wedding?

When I moved to Arcata I left some of my nicer clothes with my mom because I had no reason (or room) to bring everything with me. I took one pair of decent pants and a few nice shirts. With my friend's, Mike, wedding two and a half weeks away I have been thinking about what to wear. I called my mom to send me some of my nicer clothes (which I haven't worn in two years...ha!) to me. What she sent was two brown shirts, two brown pants, two brown ties, and black shoes (and she forgot the jacket). I know the wedding is in Lake Tahoe, but I don't want to blend in with the surroundings. I'll have to improvise a suit. I talk to the groom today, and for the first time since I have known him he is quite nervous and showing it (His personality tends to be sarcasm, even when he is wrong...sort of like how Kevin Smith is in front of the camera.) But he is excited he is getting married, which he should be considering the amount of money that is going into this wedding. The guest list is big. I think this will be the second biggest wedding I've been to since living in California. (The first had 400 people!). And considering this is in Lake Tahoe, and outdoor wedding with an indoor reception, several parites starting the Thursday before the Saturday party, I'd be nervous too. But they are both good people, and the gal he is marrying is a sweetheart! (She puts up with his comicbook fetish, but even she puts her foot down on some stuff! You go girl!!).

I wish them both the best!

P. S. I'll do the Chicken Dance, the Electric Slide, and the Cha Cha Slide, but I will not do the Macarena!!!!

"When I'm with you,
It doesn't matter where we are,
or what we're doing,
I'm with you that's all that matter." ~ Robert Lamm (aka. Chicago)

Studio 60 vs Rock 30 (A super quick post)

Why is NBC having two shows with the same plot! A behind the scenes look at a sketch comedy show. NBC is draggin for a reason! I would've prefered they pick of Arrested Development they try pretty much any show they have coming this season.

My 2 cents

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Things to like about Nothern Cali.

As I stated before I probably will do another two weeks of reflections, then I'll be gone for three, but when I return it will be back to the grind of schoolwork for what will be my last year in college (kinda) which is what my blogs will be about. This year will be my last real Thanksgiving, Xmas and Spring Break (in other worlds, having more then just a few days off!), and my last full summer vacation. Which has been a treat to enjoy after 12 years of work.

With that said, what is it like north of the Golden Gate Bridge? Last night I was running on the track, and I looked up. It was a clear night, and the stars were out. In LA, you hardly see the stars. Between the smog, and everything else it's just difficult. Here, with no lights surrounding the area, you can see the vastness of space. It's very peaceful, which is NoCal's best feature. Miles and miles of wilderness! If you like anything outdoors this is the place for you. Every town has a REAL farmer's market. The beaches are amazing and uncrowded. I remember thinking staring at that sky about how one friend in LA told me how LA was the place to live. You were a few hours from the desert, mountains, and beach. True for up here. Only you are mintues from all those things (expect desert, but really, who goes to the desert unless you are into Motorcross).

It is peacful, to stand on my porch at 11pm, and outside of a college party there isn't horns honking as I was use to in LA. No clutter or over population. More important, the people are a bit nicer, not as much into themselves. However, they are into politics and the enviroment, they take that almost "too" personally.

However, I do miss a city being nearby. I can get anything I want off the internet, but it's too secluded. Also, this place as a "St. Louis" vibe to it, meaning that I can see people coming here and raising their familes here, but then I see them moving on after. Of the locals college kids I've talked to, most of them want to move on to the world. I can't say I blame them!

To end it, I've been across the country, but I think I have never truly been in awe as much as I have ever been when I drove to Fort Bragg. About 5 miles north, before the road goes back into the forest, you have to stop and look out into the ocean. There you will see what the ocean was like before Europe called it home. The ocean was three shades of blue, and they were all clear so that you can see the bottom. Turquoise! Even when I was in Bonaire and Aruba I have never seen the water Turquoise! I want to go back and take a picture of it. I'm afraid one day it won't be there. It'll look like Venice, Ca, where the water is brown and stinky. Anyway, my 2 cents.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Feeling The Burn

When I decided to do these blogs I thought it would be fun to tell about my adventures in Humboldt county, what I didn't count on was starting them in June when the area is dead and all the college kids are back annoying their parents. However(!), this weekend I saw the return of a few familar faces. I guess the students are slowly making their way back to school. College doesn't start for another 5 weeks but a lot of kids are looking for places to live (including yours truly, but that is a very funny blog I will write tomorrow), and jobs. So Friday a few of us went to Willow Creek, an hour east of us, and went swimming! It was the best feeling in the world! In Arcata it is foggy, I'm guessing, just over 200 days of the year. Not too bad compared to Seattle's weather, but still, I want sunlight! The creek was nice, not too cold. There was a rope so you could swim and fall into the creek! It was a blast! I did get sunburned, but it was the best burn I have gotten since I hit on that girl at the water park about 16 years ago! Again, worth it! I was going to go out Saturday, but I decided to stay in and save a few bucks, not to mention I had a test on Monday. At this point I'm less then 300 days away from finishing college (not including the credital), so it's starting to get real. I think I'll do another 2 weeks of reflections before I leave on all my trips. Three back to back trips! Thinking of reflecting, when I was in the water goofing around I couldn't help to remember public pools. I never saw any in LA, unless they were indoor pools for a gym, and in the Bay Area I saw a few but the neighborhoods kept them to themselves (Sort of "members only). There are none up here, the college pool is open for students at the most ridiculous times (7am and noon, but only for an hour, it's like frickin "Adult Swim"). I know public pools are really large toilets for little kids, are lazy fat adults, but I am a bit surprised California doesn't have any, outside of apartment buildings. I guess the ocean counts as one big public pool!

"In the summertime when the weather is fine
You can stretch right up and touch the sky
When the weather's fine You got women,
you got women on your mind
Have a drink, have a drive
Go out and see what you can find"~ M. Jerry

Thursday, July 13, 2006


"A passion for the dramatic art is inherent in the nature of man."
- Edwin Forrest

I just deleted a post because it was frivolous. It was another "Why Me" sort of post, but really it's my way of dealing with the lame drama in my head. When I lived in LA, drama is was one of the things that killed time on the job. Heck, the town runs on drama.

I tend to think I can stop waisting my time with such "entertainment," which is all drama is, ways we entertain ourselves. Really, I'm bored shitless up here. We have a test on Monday again, but I'm pretty confident I'll get an A. The thing about Northern Cali is unless you are into camping there really isn't too much to do up here. I like camping, but there is no one to go camping with, hence the dilemma. I still don't have my computer back so I can't watch DVD's. So, I'm back online.

Prepare for some more Top Ten list. :P

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"I'm suspicious for being so old?"

I was talking to a friend who sister is going to start coming to school here next year. My friend is 20 years old, and her sister is 17, and to remind ya'll I'm 35. I was just told by my friend that her sister is suspicious of me because I'm "Sooooooo old!" Wow! I've had jokes about it before, but this is the first real strike against my age. It does occur to me that I'm twice as old as the little sister.

Which gets me thinking that my two friends, J and J, who had a baby last year. When the baby is my age, I'll be 70!

I get a kick out of people who figure out how old I am. It's sort of like my first brush with discrimination (but not really). I have told my friend that before I meet the sister I need to get a walker, and a pair of fake teeth and really play up my age. Maybe do some of my cheesey "When I was your age..." stuff.

*Would do quote from an certain "suspicious" Elvis song, but I think we all see that coming.*

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

History is what you make of it, assuming you show up to class.

So last Wednesday was the first day of History class. The teacher, a nice enough guy who thinks every question asked is "Such a great question", gave us plenty of material to read. Yesterday, Monday, we had a test on The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, he's facinating but quite full of himself, and makes himself look like a patron all autobiographys do! Anywho, on Wedneday, that first day of class only 23 students show up. The teacher points out there should be 40 students. The next day, Thursday, same thing. We have to read the book about Ben for the test Monday.

Now Monday comes the test, and how many students are there? 40! They all showed up, but those who weren't there last week didn't know about the test. Man, it was funny. Some people use some of the most far-fetched excuses, like they were in small claims court and were trying to tell the judge why they couldn't pay their rent.

Here's the thing, it's an essay test! Essay tests are the best!!!!! If you know who Ben Franklin is, and can put together what knowledge you know about him (Lighting, Publisher, Writer, Philadelphia, and he signed some important piece of paper) then you should just B.S! If you throw enough shit on the wall something is going to stick!

"It may only show that men's interests and intellects operate and are operated on with surprising similarity in all countries and climates, when under similar circumstances."
~B. Franklin

Saturday, July 08, 2006

More Top 10 lists

Four hours of Ben Franklin's autobiography is more than enough. Sooo...

Top ten movie directors (and their best film)
1. Orson Wells:Citizen Kane
2. Federico Fellini: 8 1/2
3. Akira Kurosawa: Seven Sumurai
4. Martin Scorsese: Goodfellas
5. Billy Wilder: Some Like It Hot
6. Francis Ford Coppola: The Godfather
7. Stanley Kurbrick: Dr. Strangelove
8. Alfred Hitchcock: Vertigo
9. Buster Keaton: The General
10. Elia Kazan: On The Waterfront

Top ten buildings I go to on campus
1. Library
2. Gist Hall
3. Henry Griffin Hall
4. The Depot
5. Founders Hall
6. Gym
7. YES House
8. AIR Center
9. Van Duzer Theater
10. "Da J"

Top ten places I go to in town
1. Toby and Jaffe's
2. Farmer's Market
3. Minor Theater
4. Hunan Village
5. Sidelines
6. Arcata Pizza and Deli
7. Smug's Pizza
8. Don's Donuts
9. The Alibi
10. Mazzotti's

Top Ten (ummm, Six) Things I haven't done in California that I still want to do.
1. Yosemite national park
2. San Simeon
3. The Getty Center (STILL!!!)
4. Joshua Tree National Park
5. Lake Havasu
6. Alcatraz
7...really that's it, I can't come up with 4 more.

Top Ten worst pick up lines I have actually heard
1. Can I buy you a drink before we leave for your place?
2. Have we met before?
3. I was wondering why people were intimidated with your looks?
4. Do you come here often?
5. What's your sign?
6. Would you date me, not that I'm asking you out, but I'm curious?
7. I don't get the war. Can you explain it to me?
8. God, you are too hot to be here!
9. I'm a talent agent, so are my friends.
10. You're not here to pick up guys? Me too!

Top Ten Household Necessities/Toys I will buy when I start getting real paychecks.
1. New Car (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
2. Washer/Dryer
3. Large TV
4. Ipod
5. Rice Steamer
6. Chairs for Kitchen Table (I already have the table)
7. Tivo
8. Dishware
9. Internet Radio
10. "Welcome" Mat

Top Ten Sketch Comedy Shows of all Time.
1. Monty Python's Flying Circus
2. The Kids in the Hall
3. Your Show of Shows
4. Saturday Night Live
5. Chappelle Show
7. The Carol Burnett Show
8. In Living Color
9. The Ernie Kovacs Show
10. Mad TV

Top Ten Top Ten Lists I will never do unless paid $100 dollars per list
1. Top ten most embarrassing things I have ever done.
2. Top ten dumbest things I've ever said.
3. Top ten secrets I've been trusted with.
4. Top ten worst laws I've broken
5. Top ten girls I want to do "Da nasty" with.
6. Top ten stupid things I've done on dates.
7. Top ten people I know that are complete idiots (I might do this one for free)
8. Top ten things I found funny which aren't considered funny.
9. Top ten issues I actually agree with conservatives on.
10. Top ten accidents I have done when not paying attention.

"I think we've all arrived at a very special place. Spiritually, ecumenically, grammatically."

After doing another run for the summer weather (and realizing they have In'N'Out over there, something that is badly needed where I'm at), I came home, changed, and saw "Pirates". For a town that is dead there are a lot of college kids keeping their heads low around town. For the second time since I lived here there was a line around the corner to see a movie (The first time was "Disco Dolls in 3D." A 1970's porn that all the college kids wanted to see. ) Anyway, standing in line I played my newest game "What class did we have together?" It really kills time standing in line, and then sitting in the theater waiting for the movie to start.

I, of course, had my reminder I lived in Aracta when the first thing that pops up on the screen was Coke commercial, and a few wannabe hippie cried "Corporate Crap!" (I guess I shouldn't mention to them that the jeans they were wearing were from The Gap!)

The movie itself was ok. Some people will say it's not as funny, but that's not true. When everyone saw the first movie no one wasn't expecting Johnny Depp to play such a radical character (expect those of us who saw Ed Wood, Fear and Loathing, Benny and Joon, etc. etc) . This has some of the same laughs. Different film though. Go see for yourself.

I'm now looking out the window and see the clouds. Not good.

"I need to laugh, and when the sun is out,
I’ve got something I can laugh about.
I feel good in a special way,
I’m in love, and it’s sunny day." ~ P. McCartney

Thursday, July 06, 2006

My vicariously crazy summer aka The Halfway Point

I'm thinking I should've started these blogs in August. Summer in a college town is quite dull. I just went through my emails, and hearing about other people summers. It isn't that I can't find anything to do, it's finding someone to do things with. The 3-4 people I know up here, are here because they are working full time or have spouses here and can't just pick up and go. I just have to keep telling myself I'll graduate next Spring, and I had to go to summer school to assure that! The more classes I take now the less I worry about in the fall.

I bring it up because a friend just reminded me of a bachlor party going on this weekend in Vegas. I have done a bachlor party in vegas once in my life already, and let me tell you they are not pretty! If anything they are quite expensive, and usually no one will have that "dream experience" we might think we'll get from watching that episode of the O.C. too many times. These guys, that are going to Vegas, are staying at Hard Rock Hotel. Ok, even as a man in his 30's, although in college, I know that there is fun and there is silly. These guys staying at a hotel where "The hot gals" hang out" is silly. I can already see most of them blowing money at a go-go bar because some dancer said "You are so cute!" *blech!* Also, with the number of friends going, someone will be left behind. Count on it.

Some advice for bachlor parties in Vegas. Just take your 3-4 closest friends and go gamble. If you're going to blow money, at least think you might when it back! I plan on revisting this topic next Tuesday to see how true I am when I get the details on what happened.

"Where oh where are you tonight?
Why did you leave me here all alone?
I searched the world over and I thought I'd found true love.
But you met another and PTHHP! you was gone." ~Dedicated to those getting the sand out of their eyes.

Monday, July 03, 2006

I should just be a season ticket holder.

Of the many new friends I've made here one of my closest ones is "V". V is a genius, she is in Pittsburgh right now doing research on Colon Cancer. Anyway, the schedule for the performers coming to HSU is out, and I must say even I'm impressed with some of the people coming up here to Hempboldt (James Brown, Maya Angelou, Bill Cosby, Jane name a few). V has become my concert buddy. However, she wants to see all these shows. Ah yes, so do I. I'd also like the Beatles to reunite, but I don't see that happening.
V, who is a good ten years younger then me, is getting ready to go out with her scientist friends and get shit-faced "Da Burgh" style (Lord only knows what that means). In fact, I wonder if a bunch of drunk scientist and smarty college kids will try to see who is smarter. Sort of like in Good Will Hunting when Will and Clark have the big quote contest, with Will telling Clark how he "like them apples." Ahhh, I miss my friends.

UPDATE: At 10:45pm my time, 1:45 am East coast. V drunk called me. I guess she had enjoyed 151 and Whisky Sours at a "Nerd Frat" party. When she calls sober, I must ask her what a "Nerd Frat" is, or at least what makes it a "Nerd Frat"?....besides the obvious.

I am of old and young, of the foolish as much as the wise, Regardless of others, ever regardful of others, Maternal as well as paternal, a child as well as a man, Stuff'd with the stuff that is coarse and stuff'd with the stuff that is fine. ~W. Whitman

Eureka, what is your problem?

A friend and I have made numerous comments on how the fog out here is depressing. The 70 degree weather in summer is nice, but it's not like you can go to the beach because of the fog. So, I decided to go on a road trip down the 299 and around Mount Shasta. This is my first summer up here, sadly not my last. As if I have to say this again, but I miss seasons! I like that blistering heat sometimes! I like to sweat, ok I don't like to stink, but I like to sweat. A little sun is good for you. I miss swimming on a hot day! Just like I miss snow. A blog for another time.
First, a little history, Eureka was known for it's lumber companies, and that is how the town made money, but when the enviromentalist came in and started telling lawmakers that what the companies were doing is wrong, well...guess what happened. Long story short, the town is on a down side. Now, one would think that this would effect the towns around here as well. I mean there's really not too much else to do. However, I must say all the towns are pretty nice. Some fall back on tourism, and some were smart and went back to old school town (with a blacksmith and such). So why is Eureka such a shithole? They have a nice little old town with that ArtsAlive every month. And the Victorian homes are amazing, better then many in San Francisco! Looking at other towns. Willow Creek is smaller but makes use of the river for people going white water rafting. Weaverville has that awesome lake, and I notice some mansions(!) which tells me a few multi-millionaires are gettaways up there. Arcata, where I am, is hippieville. Pot is a 600 million dollar industry around me (According to my Econ Prof!). Ferndale has tourism, Fortuna has the casinos.
But Eureka? You are five times bigger then any of us and can produce more money if you had to. What is your deal!
I suspect Eureka is corrupt and there are some people who are taking money away that should be used for better purposes. I suggest the people of Eureka get off your arses and do something before you become a ghost town.