Up bloody nose with a tampon hose
I am just wraping up a miserable week of sickness. The highlight came Wednesday when my nose started dripping blood. I went to my local health clinic because pressure and ice were working. They took a normal size Tampax and stuck it up my nose. Let me tell you, nothing will knock you off your high-horse faster then having a tampon up your nose for 15 minutes.
Tonight I am doing nothing. I have to go to a party tomorrow, so I'm just chilling at home and rented the British version of "The Office." I got paid today so I am spending it in style (aka, "The Office".....oh, and a mini-pizza for myself.)
Finding a "sub" to work for me during my hours at the pre-school was a pain in the ass. I only got one person to cover me (who I have to work for next Friday), but the rest didn't even return my phonecall. Lame! It's not like we work at Olive Garden and I'm asking you to cover my section. I just need an hour. Some did lie to me because they said they were in class (we all get copies of each other schedule...they weren't). Well it's still better then "The Agency" where we had to depend on our crack HR person (and I do mean "crack") to find someone decent...which always came down to the mailroom.
Tomorrow, the baseball game will continue! (This is what I am told, hmmmm). Will I get a hit or a strike three. We shall see...(does give me a reason to get healthy faster!)
"And knowing that you would have wanted it this way,
I do believe I'm feelin' stronger every day." ~Chicago